This is also the time when I listen to my older albums. At least to the ones that are leading directly up to this. For "comparison", if you wish.
I walked through the entire
»Triptychon of Ghosts«
, and it felt very strange. Confusing even. Loud. Like it was the work of a different person. Which it is. To a certain degree at least. It is not mine anymore. It has served its purpose, and it is gone. It is no longer part of me. I mean, yes, it
... but at the same time it
. It doesn't hurt anymore. It's like a distant memory.
I remember when I had just finished »
Songs from the inverted Womb
«, and I found it nearly
to listen to
"There was a Country by the Sea"
. It was so very painful to walk through this place, to witness the scene. To re-live it. But if I listened to it now, it would be like watching an old film.
I once read somewhere that to some people there seems to be an "old" and a "new" SOPOR. I know what they mean by that ... of course ... and also
they would feel this way.
If one really wanted to make such a differentiation, then the new album is most definitely an old album. That is probably the best way to describe it. There is no irony in it. No sarcasm. Not even in the music(k).
It is just very ...
... but also very,
It makes me glad to know that I
did him justice.