Being a mother is not an easy thing. I should know. I was little once... ...and when I was little, everything even remotely child-related fell to the mothers' lot. It may therefore be forgiven that a young mother (like mine), who was herself born into a decidedly loveless family, didn't know better then to follow in the footsteps of those, who sadly believed that authoritarian books like this one had actual educational value.
Enter: "Der Struwwelpeter" (Engl.: Shockheaded Peter) from the mid 19th century.
I absolutely hated this book so much as a child. I was utterly disgusted by it. And the fact that it was given to me by my mother (the person, who brought me into this world), clearly meant one thing: If you do not behave and always do exactly what your parents (or adults in general) demand, then you will be considered worthless, and nobody will care, when you receive the punishment you so obviously deserve ... - which is: mutilation, torture & eventually DEATH.
In retrospect, it is probably not much of a surprise that a sensitive (and inquisitive) fairychild like myself eventually turned into this:
Did you download SOPOR AETERNUS’ fabulous music(k) without buying it, but now you desperately want to
support your beloved Goddess?! Well, just click on the »donate« button and make a donation.
(I'm grateful for every shred of honesty & kindness.)